All real honeymoon stories

  • Natalie & Tyler Bali

    “After discovering Traveler's Joy we signed up immediately. We decided that creating memories in Bali that would last a lifetime was more important to us than acquiring household goods, especially since we were going to teach abroad for several years after the wedding.”

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  • Katharine & Laura Costa Rica & Nicaragua

    “If you’re planning a wedding, definitely skip the blender, and instead plan a trip you’ll remember for the rest of your marriage. Pura vida!”

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  • Lindsay & Michael Virginia & Carolinas

    “We could not have completed our trip without the incredible generosity of our family and friends, and without Traveler’s Joy.”

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  • Jacob & Hannah Peru

    “Love, when coupled with patience and understanding, will carry you over an entire continent with ease. And we have the story to prove it.”

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  • Sara & John California

    “We couldn't be more grateful to Traveler's Joy. Our registry was the perfect way for friends and family to provide us the gift of adventure and shared experience. Which is of course the best gift one can ever give!”

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  • Rachel & Shane South Africa

    “We couldn't have done it without our friends and family...and Traveler's Joy.”

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  • Lauren & Tyler Arizona

    “In registering with Traveler's Joy, we opted for memories in lieu of material gifts, and what a wonderful decision it was. If you don't need more "stuff", Traveler's Joy is for you.”

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  • Katie & Jennifer Florida

    “We are truly grateful to your website for making our dream honeymoon come true and can't stop recommending it to other couples. Cheers Traveler's Joy!”

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  • Emily & James Gettysburg

    “When James was recommended Traveler's Joy by a colleague who used it for her honeymoon, we knew this would be the perfect way for our friends and family to give us unique gifts and be able to have the honeymoon we always dreamed of.”

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  • Caitlin & David France & Ireland

    “Coming back from a big international trip should have left our bank accounts in withering destitution, but thanks to Traveler's Joy, our generous friends and family, and our careful budget-conscious planning, we have no reason to stress about bills.”

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  • Jennifer & Michael South Africa & Mozambique

    “Our honeymoon was going to be different than our usual vacations because we finally had enough time off to do something totally over-the-top and with Traveler's Joy to support our plans, we knew Africa was calling us!”

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  • Stacey & Shane New Zealand

    “Finding Traveler's Joy was the perfect answer for us because our friends and family could help us decide what to do, where to go and how to explore. We could challenge our guests to give us a honeymoon we would never forget - and that they certainly did!”

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  • Tamara & Ryan Honduras

    “It's been only a few months since the honeymoon, and I miss Honduras immensely. I think of it every day, the fun we had, the amazingly kind people who live there.”

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  • Lara & Brandon Tanzania

    “Getting married later in life means you've already got your toasters, garlic presses, and Egyptian cotton sheets. So when confronted with the daunting task of registering for gifts, we were stymied. We didn't really need any things. What we really wanted was to go on a trip of a lifetime that we could not otherwise afford.”

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  • Dayna & Gabriel Las Vegas & Surrounding

    “Our honeymoon was perfect from start to finish, and between our regular expenses and paying for our wedding, we wouldn't have been able to finance it without Traveler's Joy providing us with this amazing way to hit our friends for honeymoon funds without having to explicitly ask them for money.”

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  • Sarah & Adam Las Vegas & Surrounding

    “We couldn't communicate greater our gratitude for our guests' support of our honeymoon. It was the experience of a lifetime, and it would not have been possible without their generous contributions. We are grateful to Traveler's Joy for providing this venue for our guests to gift conveniently and creatively.”

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  • Allison & Martin Russia, Mongolia & China

    “There seemed to be many honeymoon registry options, but in the end we chose Traveler's Joy specifically because we liked the look of the website, its user-friendliness, and the fact that it allowed us to upload the photo of our choice for each item on the list. We really appreciated this feature because it seemed to make our page much more personal.”

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  • Lauren & Kurt Morocco

    “My husband and I laugh now at our trek into the Sahara and think of how amazing that adventure was. Thanks to Traveler's Joy and the generous gifts of a Sahara Safari from our guests, it will be a memory we will never forget.”

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  • Ashley & James California

    “Thanks to Traveler's Joy we were able to send special thank you cards with pictures of our unique experience to each person who gave us the memory. We also inspired two of our friends to take honeymoon road trips and gave them the greatest gift of all... Traveler's Joy!”

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  • Sarah & Justin Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands

    “One of our other favorite memories that Traveler's Joy allowed us to enjoy was a romantic couples massage in two small wood cabanas on the resort grounds. Rain started to fall during our time, which only added a beautiful harmony to an already special moment.”

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  • Serena & Curtis California

    “Because Curtis was already a homeowner and we had both accumulated our share of coffee makers, toasters, and pots and pans, a traditional registry seemed, well, unnecessary.”

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  • Kimberly & Ben France

    “Traveler's Joy ultimately helped us enjoy our honeymoon more. Because of the registry, we never had to think twice about the cost before stopping to drink, dine and explore where and when we wanted. This made our adventure free of worry, and what's more, we carried the love and good wishes of our friends and family in our hearts every step of the way.”

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  • Brittany & Gustavo Hawaii

    “The flight was expensive and so was a night at the Hyatt. With Traveler's Joy, we could afford to buy it. Poetic!”

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  • Emily & Sam China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia & Cambodia

    “Our honeymoon seemed to be the perfect opportunity to see the world without breaking the bank or having to give up our teaching jobs. Traveler's Joy helped make this dream a reality, and gave us incredible memories that will stay with us through the years.”

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  • Anne & Jared Ireland

    “It is safe to say that Traveler's Joy contributed greatly to our marriage by providing us with an avenue to finance our dream honeymoon and make our friends and families feel a part of the incredible first adventure Anne and I had as husband and wife.”

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  • Danielle & Tod Turkey, Italy, Croatia & Greece

    “All in all, after receiving $3,000 in gifts from friends and family, we enjoyed two full weeks in Europe, taking excursions in nearly every port, toasting to our marriage with rivers of wine, eating some of the best food imaginable and seeing some of the greatest sites in the world, all for about $200 out of pocket - total!”

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  • Amanda & Blake Jamaica

    “I researched many honeymoon registry sites, but it was Traveler's Joy that offered the easiest access with the most tools. I also loved that my husband and I could build our site ourselves, adding pictures of the items on our registry, setting the pricing as well as adding our own slide shows. The Traveler's Joy site was a DIY bride's dream!”

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  • Cait & Dave Italy

    “We were able to leverage my iPhone, Twitter and Facebook to include our friends and family on what we were able to see and do - and for those who had participated in our honeymoon registry on Traveler's Joy, it was meaningful to feel like they were part of our trip.”

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  • Isabel & Luis Vietnam

    “Traveler's Joy was "the bomb" - we've been living together forever and didn't need more stuff, so registering for a honeymoon trip was perfect. It bankrolled our stay and allowed us to have an amazing experience!”

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  • Sally & Gene Gettysburg

    “The entire cost of the honeymoon, including lodging, fuel, and entertainment was approximately $1,500, but the experience was priceless.”

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  • Jacqueline & Philip Hawaii

    “We would absolutely and enthusiastically recommend Oahu as the perfect honeymoon destination (and in fact, have already tried to talk our friends into taking their honeymoons there!). The total trip cost $5,000, but thanks to Traveler's Joy, almost everything was paid for ahead of time in the form of gifts.”

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  • Leela & Sean Greece

    “The total cost of our honeymoon was around $10,000 and not a penny came out of our pockets. It was the perfect situation for us since we already had our home basics and didn't need a new set of china!”

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  • Evelyn & Jessie Niagara Falls

    “We took advantage of Traveler's Joy because without the registry, we wouldn't have afforded our honeymoon. When we are old and sitting on our front porch drinking lemonade, we are going to look back at our honeymoon and say "Yep. I'm glad we had that adventure."”

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  • Sarah & Christopher French Polynesia

    “Deciding on the French Polynesian Islands of Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora for our destination was a choice we did not regret! Traveler's Joy was a perfect opportunity for us to get exactly what we wanted for our wedding gift and do more than we had ever dreamed we could do.”

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  • Laura & Eric California

    “From relaxing wine tastings and shopping in a small, quaint town, to finishing with exploring a big city, we felt our trip was well rounded and balanced with relaxation and entertainment.”

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  • Helena & Hector California

    “In stressful moments in our fast-paced city lives, I can instantly recall the feeling I had standing on top of North Dome at the end of a 10-mile hike looking out over the natural wonder with my partner by my side at the start of our marriage.”

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  • Patty & Justin Argentina

    “While not a traditional honeymoon destination, we chose Argentina because we wanted to experience a new culture and go on a little adventure. Simply laying around on a beach just isn't really our style anyway.”

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  • Megan & Michael Belize

    “Since we live in Colorado and take advantage of the snowboarding or rock climbing almost every weekend, we focused on honeymoon destinations that were on our diving bucket lists. We were torn between the Galapagos Islands and Belize (to dive the Blue Hole) but ended up choosing Belize because we could go first class for about the same price as the Galapagos economy trip. Hey, it was our honeymoon and we wanted to fly first class!”

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  • Angela & Edgar France

    “Ever since my childhood, I always dreamt of visiting famous, historical landmarks in France. The sights, sounds, and tastes of France couldn't compare to any other honeymoon destination. In addition to Paris, we also visited places that were further out from Paris, such as Normandy and the Loire River Valley. Our honeymoon in France was a fairytale dream come true!”

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  • Casey & Jacob Belize

    “We wanted to go to Belize and actually get to have some adventures while we were there! Traveler's Joy was definitely the most user-friendly option, and we knew that some of our avid-traveler guests would enjoy purchasing gifts for us to use on our honeymoon.”

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  • Jessica & Sean Ireland & United Kingdom

    “When planning our honeymoon, my husband tried to create the full fairy tale experience. He did his job well because the places we visited and activities we participated in left me feeling like a real princess.”

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  • Ashley & Andrew Turks and Caicos

    “The top three reasons we chose our honeymoon: Try something new, see a new country, and go to a National Park area (because we got engaged in one). Easy enough, right?”

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  • Carrie & James Italy

    “We had already been to France and wanted to go back to Europe for our honeymoon, but didn't think we could afford it after all our wedding expenses. Once we discovered Traveler's Joy, we realized that if we registered there, we just might be able to pull it off.”

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  • Candice & David France, Italy & United Kingdom

    “Like many people who would register with a website like Traveler's Joy, my husband and I have a true zest for travel. We love experiencing new cultures, unexpected moments, and the thrill of doing something once in a lifetime. Our honeymoon was just that.”

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  • Stacy & Matt Italy

    “Immediately when we told people we were going to Italy, everyone become a resident travel agent, giving us books and plenty of advice on where to stay, eat, and everything in between! When we created our Traveler's Joy registry months before the wedding, we already had an idea of where we wanted to go.”

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  • Courtney & Danny French Polynesia

    “We really went to town during our days in Bora Bora and enjoyed some wonderful activities courtesy of our generous friends and the ease of using Traveler's Joy. We took jet-skis around the entire island, which gave us brilliant photo opportunities and a real adrenaline pumping high.”

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  • Amy & Jeremy Jamaica

    “But when it comes to wedding planning, where do you start first? For us, it wasn't the dress, or the venue, or deciding on colors or flowers. We wanted to plan our honeymoon first! We booked our extravagant honeymoon a year-and-a-half before our wedding. Heck, we didn't even have a wedding date! We figured if all else failed, we could just get married on our honeymoon adventure.”

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  • Susan & Landry Costa Rica & Nicaragua

    “In the end, I don't think Egypt or the Bahamas could have held a candle to our experience in Costa Rica. The longer we spend away from it, the more we want to go back again. And none of it could have been possible without the gifts we received through our honeymoon registry.”

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  • Laurie & Patrick Virginia & Carolinas & Florida

    “Generous contributions by friends and family through Traveler's Joy enlivened our trip, allowing us to have a spontaneous and personalized honeymoon, thanking loved ones for specific aspects of our venture, and bolstered our bank account.”

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  • Rhea & Michael French Polynesia

    “One marvelous night we had dinner on our private deck courtesy of our Traveler's Joy registry. I think that was my favorite night. How could you not love having a three-course dinner with your own server on your own private patio?”

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  • Beth & Damien Hawaii

    “We knew we could afford going to Hawaii, but without Traveler's Joy, we would have been unable to experience all that the island had to offer. Having the registry really made all our honeymoon dreams come true.”

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  • Shilpa & Joseph Greece

    “Traveler's Joy made our honeymoon planning easy, and it afforded our family and friends access to an array of gifts and a range of prices. Many people told us how easy it was to use and how much fun it was for them to look through our choices, our photos, our descriptions.”

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  • Tiphani & Jesse Costa Rica & Nicaragua

    “We chose a honeymoon registry because we had lived together for over a year and since we had combined two houses, we were in no need of the traditional wedding gifts. I discovered Traveler's Joy after researching different sites, and it seemed to be the best and easiest to use.”

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  • Jennifer & Robyn Virginia & Carolinas

    “As we started developing our registry, Traveler's Joy helped us in many ways. The registry acted as a guide to our honeymoon, helped us budget more effectively, and made it possible for our guests to make monetary gifts in a wide range of choices. The ability for our family and friends to make the choices of gifts based on a monetary level and specific activities motivated them to give more generously and with more creativity than with normal registries.”

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  • Megan & John French Polynesia

    “When we landed in Papeete, I was so excited to see the crystal-clear blue waters that my exhaustion faded instantly. We were shuttled to the ferry dock and then ferried over to Moorea for a four-night stay in a beach bungalow at the Sofitel Resort. The beach bungalow was literally about 12 feet from the water and had this wonderful covered porch area, which came in handy when the daily one-hour rain shower rolled in. During the rain, we would simply play hand after hand of gin rummy and drink Hinano Beer until it cleared up.”

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  • Carol & Julio France, Italy & United Kingdom

    “Once my wife told me about Traveler's Joy and all the things they had to offer, I was excited about what the possibilities could be for a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon. I can remember Carol looking like a little kid that got a cool toy to play with when she was creating the "trip of our dreams" - and it certainly was.”

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  • Liz & Zeph Puerto Vallarta

    “It was great after such a memorable week to be able to write our friends and family who contributed to the trip through Traveler's Joy and tell them "Thank you for the cooking class - here's what we made..." or "Swimming with dolphins was amazing! Check out this photo..."”

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  • Lonni & Mark South Africa

    “Registering on Traveler's Joy allowed us to book a trip full of different activities. This worked perfectly for us and our guests because we created specific and affordable excursions which enabled each guest to get us something very unique. When putting together our gift registry, we also wanted to entertain our guests with funny blurbs about what they were gifting.”

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  • Shannon & Jeff Italy

    “We weren't sure how our family and friends would react to our honeymoon registry, but it turned out to be a huge hit. The website was extremely easy for everyone to navigate. We were able to choose from a variety of wonderful activities and could pick exactly the ones that we wanted to partake in. Thanks to Traveler's Joy, our guests helped to create memories that we would never forget.”

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  • Jennifer & Blake Seattle & Surrounding

    “I got online and simply Googled "Honeymoon Registry." That's when a magical act happened and Traveler's Joy emerged. I clicked on the link and it immediately looked like a great place to register. And then BOOM, we were registered for our honeymoon. It was probably the single greatest idea I ever went with (besides marrying Jennifer of course).”

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  • Ashleigh & Michael Hawaii

    “Through Traveler's Joy, our friends and family gifted us $2,600. Combined with the $3,000 we saved, we were able to enjoy 10 days, flights and food in Hawaii - and we spent every penny. Hawaii is an expensive destination, but we loved the spirit of the island and the experience of a true paradise.”

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  • Nichole & Greg Spain

    “As a couple in our mid-thirties, each of us had accumulated all of the furniture, cutlery, pots, pans, crock-pots and other creature comforts that we could handle. Nichole is one of the world's top research analysts alive and she discovered Traveler's Joy.”

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  • Elena & Michael St. Lucia

    “When all was said and done, our honeymoon probably cost us roughly $8,000-9,000 (the cruise being about $3,000 of that including drinks and extras and Sandals taking the larger $6,000 portion). It was a 12-day honeymoon all booked through a travel agent, which was very new to me so I'm not sure how much the actual airfare ended up being in all of that. It was included in our package with both Royal Caribbean and Sandals. Traveler's Joy helped us off-set that cost.”

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  • Juanita & Nando Florida

    “Despite the hefty price tag for the honeymoon, we wouldn't change a thing. These are the memories we'll keep within our hearts forever. We would definitely recommend our four-city trip to other honeymooners. It had the right balance of peace and relaxation with adventuresome tourism. We are so thankful to our guests and Traveler's Joy for making this trip possible. Words will never be enough to describe our immense gratitude.”

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  • Shelly & Jerome New Zealand & Fiji

    “Throughout the honeymoon planning, we knew we really wanted to use Traveler's Joy as it was highly recommended by our friends. We were able to break down our itinerary based on flights, accommodations, activities, and even our meals. It showed our guests where we were going, and what we planned on doing. It made our family and friends excited for us to go on this adventure. Each time a person asked us about our honeymoon, we would just point them to the site.”

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  • Rebecca & John Hawaii

    “I have to give kudos to Traveler's Joy (and of course the people who contributed) because it helped give us the excuse to "splurge" on all the fun things that we may not have normally done. My wife Becca and I had been living together for a few years before we got married, so we already had many of the traditional registry gifts. Meanwhile, since we love to travel, this was the perfect alternative.”

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  • Kathryn & Mark Seattle & Surrounding

    “After learning about the new honeymoon registry trend, I looked into different honeymoon registry sites. Traveler's Joy won out because it had it all. It was simple, there was no setup charge, it featured the lowest fees for us and guests, and it access was super easy for all users.”

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  • Kendra & Scott Greece

    “Traveler's Joy gave our friends and family the chance to give us something we truly wanted and needed. The website was so easy to create, with simple management and very efficient payment redemption. Getting married in our 30s, we had just combined two homes and did not need all the traditional tangible household goods.”

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  • Laura & Paul Dominican Republic

    “We spent nine magical days in Punta Cana with a price tag of approximately $3,000. The most incredible thing about the cost of our honeymoon is that thanks to Traveler's Joy, every penny of it was covered by wedding gifts from our loved ones.”

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  • Nicole & Andy French Polynesia

    “Each of us owned our own homes prior to living together and had many of the housewares that newly engaged couples typically needed. And while there were a few household items that we registered for at the local department store, we wanted our guests to be a part of our honeymoon journey. Traveler's Joy fulfilled that desire and allowed us to get even more out of the once-in-a-lifetime vacation that was starting to take form.”

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  • Aurelia & Gregory Jamaica

    “Traveler's Joy really helped to make a nice honeymoon AMAZING! It was so nice to not worry about the extra costs of the things that you want to do but shy away from because of the prices. In addition, it was really great to be able to share our trip in such a special way with the friends and family who contributed.”

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  • Elizabeth & Chad Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands

    “We registered for honeymoon gifts to help pay for our trip. We spent the time to set up a honeymoon registry with Traveler's Joy and were quickly rewarded for our efforts. Our friends and family were thrilled to help us with our honeymoon plans. The Traveler's Joy registry gave us the opportunity to present our registry ideas in ways that were easy to understand and easy to use.”

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  • Debra & Matt Italy

    “We raised $6,200 with our Traveler's Joy registry. We received numerous complements from our guests. They enjoyed having the opportunity to contribute to our honeymoon experiences. Traveler's Joy helped us cover the cost of our honeymoon but also share our experience with family and friends!”

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  • Karen & Jason Hawaii

    “We departed Los Angeles just two days after the wedding and planned for an eight-day trip to Maui. Thanks to our Traveler's Joy registry, we were able to upgrade to first class, too. It was definitely the way to start a honeymoon.”

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  • Brandi & Adam Hawaii

    “We already had all the kitchen and living gadgets one would normally register for. How many dishes and towels can one household actually need? Every one of our guests who purchased a gift through Traveler's Joy loved the experience and with those gifts, we were able to do everything we wanted on our honeymoon.”

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  • Wendy & Greg Argentina

    “My chick-flick man and I didn't think our 20-hour-bus-ride could get any better when, at like five past midnight, we heard the bus steward ask, "Whiskey, champagne, cookies?" Yes, yes, and yes!”

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  • Debbie & Steve Ireland & United Kingdom

    “We decided to return to County Kerry and base ourselves in the lovely hamlet of Kenmare, a convenient base to both the rings of Kerry and Beara, and in the shadow of Kilarney National Park. Later in our honeymoon, we would venture on to the stunning Highlands region of northern Scotland.”

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  • Amy & David Vietnam

    “Hoi An is famous for its skilled tailors, so in the morning we went to A Dong Silk, a shop that Lonely Planet praised. Thanks to gifts we were given through Traveler's Joy to have clothes made, we had money to spend.”

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  • Frances & Greg Turkey & Georgia

    “We spent a total of about $8,000 on the honeymoon, including airfare and hotels, and most of that was covered by the generosity of our family and friends through Traveler's Joy.”

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  • Chandra & Matt Thailand

    “With our noses buried in guidebooks, and our sights set on defraying the cost of our perfect (but expensive) honeymoon, we created a personal and comprehensive Traveler's Joy registry that furthered our excitement for the trip.”

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  • Chelsea & Michael New York City

    “Our friends and family loved contributing to our adventure through Traveler's Joy, helping to pay for our barbecue dinner in Texas, massages in Santa Fe, gas, museums, and road snacks along the way.”

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  • Megan & Derek Wyoming

    “Having lived together since college, we had accumulated enough things to clutter our lives; the last thing we needed was more pots and pans. Friends of ours had used a Traveler's Joy registry for a honeymoon trip to Italy. We decided to follow their idea and use Traveler's Joy for our wedding road trip.”

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  • Taryn & Antoine Dubai, Mauritius & South Africa

    “We visited the desert, tropics, savanna, and subtropics, and we marveled at them all. Our trip cost of about $8,500 was offset by about $2,500 from Traveler's Joy in addition to other monetary gifts.”

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  • Katrina & Matthew Iceland

    “With a year to reflect, now I'm not so sure what was more fun: building our Traveler's Joy website or the honeymoon itself.”

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  • Renee & Ehren Cancun & Surrounding

    “We started out on our first expedition as husband and wife. It was made that much easier by Traveler's Joy, where our guests had given $2,200 in gifts to cover our first dream vacation together as one.”

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  • Kori & Logan Italy

    “Logan took over the honeymoon planning about 5 months before the wedding and used his honed research skills to put together an amazingly well-thought out itinerary for our 14 days in Italy. This made setting up our Traveler's Joy website so easy. Our friends and family appreciated knowing specifically what part of our honeymoon they were contributing to.”

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  • Kacy & Justin Wyoming

    “The getaway we planned to Jackson Hole, Wyoming was the honeymoon of our dreams. Picture it: scenic views of snow-covered landscapes, adventures in skiing and snowmobiling, and when we were ready to relax-a rooftop hot-tub and cuddling up together by a cozy fireplace.”

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  • Heather & Bryan Ireland

    “We took about a thousand pictures (literally) and when we sent out our thank you notes to the people who contributed to the Traveler's Joy web site we included picture of the places they had "given" us. That was a really big hit, everyone was really happy to be able to see what we did with our time in Ireland.”

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  • Brianne & Billy California

    “We loved driving along to find the wineries: winding down country roads, the windows down, the floral scented breeze blowing, the vineyards passing, all surrounded by wildflower strewn landscape. It was truly breathtaking. One of the best features of our honeymoon is that we did all of this for around $600, including the wine we purchased at the wineries.”

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  • Angela & Ahmed Alaska

    “The hiking was definitely my favorite part of the trip, I'm a forest spirit myself. But I know his was scuba diving and yes, scuba diving - in Ketchikan, Alaska. He was able to share one of his passions with me and it made me love and respect him all the more.”

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  • Karissa & Jon New Zealand

    “After all the hecticness of the wedding being able to take 2 weeks in what I believe one of the most beautiful countries in the world was a once in a lifetime chance and because of Traveler's Joy and all our family and friends who got SO excited about our honeymoon they helped us make our dream a reality.”

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  • Heather & Christopher Fiji

    “Although $7,400 was on the high side for us, registering with Traveler's Joy helped make it affordable and allowed us to live in paradise, albeit for too short of time. The memories and pictures we have will remain with us forever and serve as a reminder that a return trip must occur... hopefully sooner, rather than later.”

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  • April & Justin France & Italy

    “I absolutely loved the idea of Travelers Joy only because we both had tons of family that could not make it to the wedding and it seemed to work great for them, not to mention they all thought it was so neat. All together we had around $900 given to us through the website which we used for our Shore excursions.”

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  • Elizabeth & Stephen Aruba & Curacao

    “It took us awhile to decide on a destination... we wanted to go somewhere neither of us had ever been, and also somewhere a little off the beaten path. With a little research, we found Curacao, part of the Netherlands Antilles and slightly less touristy than its neighbor Aruba, though slightly more expensive to get to.”

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  • Cindy & Gary Turkey & Greece

    “When it was all said and done, including the cruise and flights, our honeymoon came to about $10,000. It never would have been a possibility for us without Traveler's Joy. As we said on our original Traveler's Joy webpage, we'll take memories that last a lifetime over a toaster any day!”

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  • Melian & Tony Puerto Vallarta

    “I did a great deal of research trying to find the right honeymoon registry for us and this seemed the perfect fit. I got compliments from everyone who checked it out and it was so much fun for us to see our gifts coming in.”

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  • Margaret & John Thailand

    “We will never forget the excitement of Bangkok, the peace of Lonely Beach and the beauty and art of Chiang Mai. And to think, without Traveler's Joy we may have never taken our honeymoon at all.”

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  • Brenna & John Galapagos Islands

    “Most honeymoon websites have you choose from pre-planned, packaged trips, but Traveler's Joy allows you to completely customize your honeymoon to suit your individual tastes. With Traveler's Joy we were able to design our website based on our plans.”

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  • Corey & Bobby Hawaii

    “We decided to travel to Kauai for our honeymoon, stopping off there for nine days, on our way back from our mainland wedding. For us, it was a compromise between the adventure my husband wanted, and the romance I desired.”

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  • Amanda & Ross Thailand

    “Amazingly, using airline miles to cover our airfare, and our Traveler's Joy registry contributions of $1,200, we spent only $300 on our honeymoon trip. Between the value of the dollar in Thailand, our awesome travel guide books, and our kind friends and family, we had the adventure of a lifetime on a very limited budget.”

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  • Alison & Bracken Utah

    “With the help of our Traveler's Joy registry, we had received enough gifts to celebrate New Years at the Giltretrind Restaurant at the Stein Erikson Lodge. Nestled on the side of Deer Valley Mountain Resort, we watched the snow-cats groom the mountain while enjoying our five-course meal, including steak and Maine lobster.”

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  • Cathy & Damon French Polynesia

    “Our honeymoon registry was so popular with our wedding guests that we got basically everything we asked for and then had to figure out how to fit it all in. In the end, we received almost $4,000 toward honeymoon activities. It really made our honeymoon the dream vacation we wanted it to be.”

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  • Alexa & Rob Italy

    “We began our trip with high hopes that debt would not be a factor at the end. We used painstakingly saved frequent flier miles for our flight over, and when we stayed at our luxurious hotel in Rome, we used points. We raised nearly $2,500 through Traveler's Joy.”

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  • Sarah & James Costa Rica & Nicaragua

    “Halfway through our engagement we realized we needed to start thinking about our registry. Since we had been living together for almost two years we automatically agreed we did not require traditional wedding gifts. Remarkably a dear friend of ours recommended Traveler's Joy.”

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  • Loren & Kevin Jamaica

    “Our idea of a wonderful honeymoon was going somewhere with great weather, other adults, and a place that would allow us to just relax all day and night if we wanted to. Jamaica was the place! Our honeymoon registry paid for the down payment on our honeymoon and it was so helpful.”

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  • Susan & Joseph Hawaii

    “Since we were so fortunate to find Traveler's Joy, the generous gifts of our friends and family allowed us to treat ourselves to one night at the well-known Grand Wailea Resort on the Wailea side of the island.”

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  • Annina & Emre Florida

    “Without Traveler's Joy, we wouldn't have been able to have a honeymoon at all. Emre is a graduate student and Annina works for a non-profit organization, so money is always a little tight. We paid for much of the wedding ourselves, and even though it was a small affair, it didn't leave much left over for a honeymoon.”

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  • Elvira & Brian Hawaii

    “We decided we wanted to go sports fishing, do a helicopter ride, go on a 7hr tour, spend a couple days discovering the island, and we managed to do it all.”

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  • Susan & Rick Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands

    “We came upon Traveler's Joy and the key to our dream trip. We were thrilled! And we loved the freedom Traveler's Joy gave us to invent the trip, and tell a story to our friends using the honeymoon description section.”

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  • Lisa & John Hawaii

    “There is no more romantic beautiful place to spend the first few days of your life as a married couple. There is nothing like Hawaii, there is something beautiful about going to sleep with the lanai doors open, hearing the ocean lap over and over on the beach.”

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  • Lauren & Nathan New York City

    “We would definitely recommend New York to other honeymooners who want to experience an eclectic city with so much to offer each and every day and night... you'll have a hard time trying to take it all in!”

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  • Nina & Todd New York City

    “Boarding the plane, I sat and thought about all we had done. Now that I am back to work and typing this, reminiscing, I can see myself lying on the beach in Grand Turk or walking down the cobblestone road in Puerto Rico or even running to catch the subway!”

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  • Jacie & Jason St. Lucia

    “It helped so much that we used Traveler's Joy as our primary registry. I lived in my house for five years and did not need any of the "traditional" wedding gifts, so a honeymoon registry was the perfect registry for us.”

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  • Lisa Beth & Brian French Polynesia

    “Our favorite activity on our dream honeymoon, thanks to our Traveler's Joy, was swimming with the dolphins. This was definitely an experience that our budget definitely would not have allowed without our friends and families generous gifts through our registry.”

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  • Yvonnie & Rey Hawaii & Las Vegas & Surrounding

    “Our favorite activity has to be between deep sea fishing and surfing. My brother has a fishing boat so the sea was ours for as long as we wanted. It was such a beautiful day and the waters were amazing!”

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  • Erin & Joel Nova Scotia

    “I would recommend Traveler's Joy to any couple who desires a nontraditional registry, loves to travel, and is willing to plan their honeymoon well in advance. Because of the necessary planning to create our registry, our trip went much more smoothly that it would have normally.”

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  • Lelanya & Michael Croatia

    “Mad dashes through foreign airports are a good part of what makes the memories last, and we would definitely recommend the Croatian Coast to anyone who wants Mediterranean views with a unique and historic culture. Thank you Traveler's Joy for helping to make this possible!”

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  • Cynthia & Michael Turks and Caicos

    “For those looking for more excitement, Turks and Caicos has its share of nightlife and entertainment. We walked down to Beaches Resort one day and there were activities galore.”

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  • Mirelle & Patrick Hawaii

    “We are certainly grateful for the existence of such a registry and without a doubt, we would recommend other couples to use Traveler's Joy, and visit the Hawaiian Islands!”

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  • Kimberly & Kevin French Polynesia

    “To all honeymooners with small budgets: Tahiti is within reach! The key is to keep the trip short and use Traveler's Joy!”

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  • Jessica & Vincent Hawaii

    “Many of the people we encountered were implants from other parts of the United States, and it is absolutely obvious why they left the mainland for Hawaii. The islands are captivating, and even after all that we have seen in the world, did not fail to live up to my very own "fairytale" honeymoon dreams - which Traveler's Joy helped to make possible.”

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  • Lisa & Roger Ireland & United Kingdom

    “Thanks to Traveler's Joy, we had the opportunity to bring our family and friends along with us, in a way. Everyone was really interested in our itinerary and their opportunity to gift us with special activities.”

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  • Araceli & Fred Costa Rica & Nicaragua

    “Our heaven on earth honeymoon was enabled in no small part by the gifts made to our Traveler's Joy registry. Our guests raved about being able to give us an experience we would treasure for the rest of our lives.”

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  • Dina & Howie France

    “Traveler's Joy had it all. It was easy to navigate, required no setup charge and had a comparatively low fee. Only indulgences were registered for, from breakfasts at our hotels to gastronomic dinners.”

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  • Erin & Sam Ireland

    “Our honeymoon was an amazing three and a half weeks, but it couldn't have happened without our friends and family, and of course Traveler's Joy, who made it really easy to organize.”

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  • Bethel & Jason Zambia

    “Jason and I are probably the perfect demographic for Traveler's Joy, and its wonderful service offering. We were in our mid 30's when we got married and both had fully stocked homes before we met.”

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  • Kallissa & Paul French Polynesia

    “The view from our bungalow was the island of Bora Bora since the hotel sits on a motu across the lagoon. The view was breath taking. One morning we ordered our breakfast delivered by outrigger canoe. It arrived on time and the Tahitian waitress put out an amazing spread complete with decorative flowers.”

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  • Haley & David Las Vegas & Surrounding

    “Our honeymoon was an unforgettable opportunity to see some of the most spectacular scenery in the U.S., and our Traveler's Joy registry allowed our guests to become part of the experience.”

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  • Andrea & Chris Cancun & Surrounding

    “What did we love about our honeymoon? The spa, the watersports, the dining venues, the drinking venues and the fact that we had a butler assigned to our room.”

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  • Lillian & James China

    “Although we were ready to come home after twenty-four days, it was a sad time when we actually had to leave. It was immediately obvious that this trip had touched us both. It opened our eyes to a world that neither of us had seen before.”

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  • Jessica & Russell Canary Islands

    “We had planned ahead and made sure that in our wedding registry we included Traveler's Joy which offered us the option of pampering ourselves with complimentary massages, a manicure and invaluable jet-ski rides.”

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  • Emily & Nicholas Morocco

    “Being adventurous travelers, we knew that just lounging on a beach somewhere wouldn't be enough for us. We set out to make incredible honeymoon memories and we definitely succeeded!”

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  • Mimi & Ilu French Polynesia

    “Anyone traveling to Tahiti knows in advance that it is an expensive place to visit. The rooms, food and tours all add up quickly. Traveler's Joy allowed us to do more.”

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  • Kristy & John-Daniel Cabo San Lucas

    “We would definitely recommend using a honeymoon registry to others as it really helped us make our dream honeymoon a reality. We loved our cruise and are thankful to our Family, Friends, and Traveler's Joy for making it happen!”

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  • Stephanie & A.J. Fiji

    “Our honeymoon was perfect. The only thing we would have changed if we could is extended our stay for another week... or month.”

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  • Shari & Scott Turks and Caicos

    “As we started thinking about our honeymoon, we realized we wanted to make it just as special and memorable as our wedding day. We thought it would be great to minimize the "stuff" factor.”

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  • Terri & Tim Hawaii

    “Traveler's Joy was a little known flawless diamond in a mountain of "cabinet filling" registries... a unique alternative to impersonal cash gifts.”

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  • Jennifer & Kyle French Polynesia

    “We registered for every one of our excursions, which turned out to be a very wise decision! This enabled us to see and do so many activities without constantly worrying about the credit card bills piling up.”

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  • Michelle & Ruben Hawaii

    “We participated in a 7 day cruise around the Hawaiian Islands with Norwegian Cruise Lines. We chose Hawaii because it was a destination that both of us had been dying to see.”

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  • Allison & Mike Jamaica

    “Our wedding budget was on the economical side and after months of being frugal and thrifty in our planning, the last thing we wanted to worry about on our honeymoon was money.”

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  • Tamsin & Chris Virginia & Carolinas

    “Choosing our honeymoon destination was quite a challenge, as we had just bought a house, and finances were tight. We wanted to do something a little more memorable than the typical beach honeymoon, and so after much deliberation, we settled on Charleston, S.C. as our destination.”

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  • Melissa & James Hawaii & French Polynesia

    “Our helicopter tour on the big island of Hawai'i was one of the highlights of our trip, complete with a bird's eye view of both fuming volcano crater and lava flow not far from the pit.”

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  • Regina & Andrew Puerto Vallarta

    “Over all our honeymoon was exactly what we wanted. We spent approximately $3,500, plus received $2,460 from our Traveler's Joy registry, which allowed us to pay off some of the trip, go on excursions, get pampered, and upgraded to first class (using miles and fee).”

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  • Elena & Brian Greece

    “We never would have been able to make our dream honeymoon a possibility without Traveler's Joy. The cruise and excursions would have cost us about $5,000, but our friends and family members helped us to make our dream a reality.”

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  • Tami & Perry Italy

    “The long and short of the story is this - our friends found Traveler's Joy on the web, compared it to other honeymoon registry sites and found this one to be the highest quality and value.”

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  • Jodi & Jason New Zealand & Sydney & Surrounding

    “Traveler's Joy was a great addition and folks loved giving these items rather than just cash. We even sent postcards as a thank you to those who bought items off the registry to show them what they had bought.”

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  • Kate & Rob Panama

    “Through Traveler's Joy, our friends and family contributed $1,020 which, when combined with other monetary wedding gifts and our frequent flyer miles, covered almost all of the nearly $4,000 total.”

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