PayPal Integration - Gift Giving and Gift Redemption

Posted by Brandon
Just recently our development gurus finished a new gift giving and gift redemption system.  This upgrade allows gift givers to give a gift using their PayPal account and redeem their gifts via a PayPal payment. We recently finished a survey and those were two of the most popular recommendations. 

Now that Members can redeem their gifts via PayPal, this has become the most popular gift redemption choice because it is so fast.  One note regarding this process is that if you have changed the email associated with your Traveler's Joy account, PayPal will no longer be a gift redemption option. I know this has frustrated a few Members but we decided to do this for security reasons. An easy way around this is that PayPal allows their customers to add as many emails as they would like to their PayPal account. So, if you have a different email address on your PayPal account than your Traveler's Joy account, simply log into your PayPal account and add the email address.

If you have any questions, comments, recommendations, or concerns, we'd love to hear them!